We are deep in uncharted territory right now, with most of the country slowly emerging from lockdown and no clear end in sight to the drastic changes that have occurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To gain some inspiration, we’ve compiled a short list of examples where life science brands have developed smart marketing to adapt to these conditions. Features that they all share in common are quick action, providing tools and resources for HCPs and patients, and relevance to their brand’s overall marketing goals. 

AstraZeneca – Conference calls with kids about cancer

In support of their oncology R&D, AstraZeneca has rolled out a video series on youtube featuring kids asking scientists questions about seemingly complex health topics.  The series really hits the mark in leveraging the low-lift tools that have become the norm during this pandemic (video conference calls) to deliver useful information for patients in an accessible way.

Why does this make a list of smart B2B marketing moves during the pandemic? Simply put, AZ is investing in tools that can be used by HCPs to make patient conversations and education easier.

Medtronic – Building brand value and trust with every stakeholder

As a med device manufacturer, Medtronic has a pretty long list of potential stakeholders who play a role in their demand chain. From the surgeons ultimately selecting the device, to the hospital executives overseeing purchasing decisions, to the OR managers responsible for keeping ORs stocked; Medtronic certainly has a lot of areas to develop and maintain customer relationships.

Medtronic has quickly assembled resources in their newly rolled out COVID-19 Recovery Resource Center, which speaks to each of their potential stakeholders’ unique concerns as non-COVID care starts to pick back up.

Sanofi – Employer Marketing

Posted via LinkedIn, Sanofi had a clear message to convey to their potential talent pool: they have adapted, and they care about their employees.

Employer marketing is often siloed and a secondary consideration for brand managers, but customers are just as likely to be exposed to these types of marketing activities, and will subsequently factor this in to their overall brand perception.

Another honorable mention on the employer marketing front: Bayer with their family-friendly and relatable post highlighting the drawings of Bayer Israel employees’ children when asked how they feel about lockdown being lifted in their country.

Pfizer – Embracing social video with a Live talk

This activation stood out because Pfizer truly embraced social engagement by cross-promoting and live streaming a mental health talk across both Facebook and LinkedIn.

By our measures of what good social media looks like, the effort has clearly paid off. Within the first hour of going live, Pfizer has achieved:

  • Over 10,000 views across both platforms
  • 650+ Likes
  • 500+ Comments

These stats have blown away previous social video posts, proving that leaning in to live experiences can create tremendous value for brands.

What is abundantly clear is that pharma and med device marketers are leaning in to the unique challenges and opportunities being presented by the pandemic.  These examples really highlight some of the many efforts being made by brands to provide valuable tools and information to both patients and professionals.

How have you adapted in this new marketing reality? Get in touch if you think we can help!